By Cheryl
This was shot during an outdoor portrait class at one of the photography schools in town. Cheryl was great to work with and I had a lot of fun working with her. This picture was from a few we took where we were just having fun and goofing off. I would love to work with her again once things settle down around here.
First and foremost A HUGE HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to Hugodwarf who fixed my laptop on which I write this journal entry. Thank you so much! I really really appreciate it. I haven't been able to use this since December and now I will be able to update and spend more time on SG.
I have to admit, I am hooked. I am now hooked on Warcrack. We went out and bought a copy for myself so now both DanielK and I can play. Which we did until 3 in the morning last night!
Tonight is the Colorado Dark Arts Festival and Daniel will be showing at Cafe Netherworld from 9pm to 1am. So anyone in town, come by and see us!!!
I have a ton I could write about right now but I don't want to create a novel. So, have a great Memorial Day Weekend and I hope to see some of you tonight!
I heart that pic

That really is a great photo.