By: Warren Baum
Here she is folks! By popular demand, our deviant doggie Sierra! Everyone say Hi!

Sorry it has taken me so long to update. I only have a few minutes right now as it is. I'm typing this up before I rush to work.
Life has been extremely crazy around here lately. Just this past weekend we were home just enough to get a few hours of sleep before we were out and running around again.
Work has been busy as well and I've been putting in extra hours (though no extra pay just yet). And I'm being promoted after being there less than a year. Not sure when all of that is going to kick in but I know it's going to be happening.
I've also been busy with helping Daniel with his shoots. We have finally had assistants to help us and it has made a world of difference! I can't be grateful enough for their help.
I just can't get over the hectic life we have right now. I've been having to turn down paying modeling gigs just because I haven't had the time. And people I have worked with before that want to work with me again (which is pretty common) I have had to put off until later in the summer. It's just nuts.
I have a shoot tonight with someone who has been dying to work with me ever since we met, I have another one on Sunday, and another one next Wednesday.
Ok, I'm running late! Arg! And there is so much more I want to say!
I promise I will be responding to everyone soon! I'm so sorry I haven't yet.
Have a great day everyone!
cute dog
You know, that picture never gets old.