This is a picture that was taken on the way to my week long modeling trek. The model who invited me and I shot with JAWAR on our way to Crestone. This is one of the first images I have gotten from the whole week. It was fun but there was much ducking and throwing clothes on quickly as joggers ran by. We were in a pretty public place. But we did get some nice images from it. You can't beat the beauty of Colorado.
Things are going pretty well. Thank you all for keeping your fingers crossed for me about the possible job. Unfortunately they are "trying out" someone who was asking much less than I was. However, we are still talking and with all of the work that this company needs to do, it is very possible they will be contacting me to come in and be this person's boss. We shall see. I'm still hopeful as from what I was told, I don't think the girl they hired is going to have the experience or the personality to handle what may be thrown at her. It may be a case (and even the owner said it) of getting what you pay for. And I am ok with that. I understand their position and it is so close to the end of the year, that I'm kind of wanting to stay at my company at least for the Christmas party and for any year end bonuses that might be handed out. I don't know that there will be any bonuses, but it would sure suck to know I left and everyone got some fat paychecks. Know what I mean?
Well, this past weekend we had 3 shoots for the Denver Rollerdolls Calendar. More are coming up (at least 9 more to be exact
In other modeling news, I have bought the first installment of things I need to shoot my first set. In other good news, my set idea (and any element in the set idea) did not come out in this Fall's trend report. Yay! That will definitely help my chances.
As I didn't really answer the question I posed in my last post, I will now.
Something I want that may seem unattainable is to get out of debt, become famous (well, ok at least a little famous), and actually get something I've written up on the big screen. Or little screen. Either one. I'd just like to see something happen with my writing other than sitting on a disk somewhere or in a file somewhere.
New question: What is the one part of your body you would never get tattoed? And not for obvious reasons such as, my stomach because one day I want kids and I don't want it to stretch out.
My answer: the bottom of my feet because I'm really fucking ticklish. I will have a more serious answer in my next entry but I really need to think about it.
'Night everyone!
No I'm not leaving.... just taking a break from things....my mom has been in the hospital and has had surgery and my sister has been diagnosed with cancer..... sometimes you just need a litle mental break from things. =)
Humm no I am not gonna get the tuck! Cheaters way out. However with the holidays I have put a few pounds back on! Wanna spank me into submisssion so I will eat right? Sigh wouldn't that be heavenly. Anyway, I am in California right now and trying my hardest to have a good time. I spent five hours in Hollywood being a tourist. It was wonderful. I tried new things and took lots of pictures, got my toes done and of course had to get a Hollywood tattoo. You are a gem of a woman! Kisses! And thanks for the uplifting messages! P.S. I posted a horrid miniset in EO becuase I was playing with my camera!