I use the term, "news," loosely, as it tends to illicit a sort of professionalism. Something blogger Kevin McCullough lacks.
This yellow journalist seems to have taken cue from Jack Thompson, and decided the best way to slander candidates he dislikes is to make exaggerated claims against the video game industry. In his article (and subsequent rebuttal), he makes many references to the XBox 360 title, "Mass Effect."
The game, a mix of action/adventure and RPG, has seen headline time before, as it was leaked early in the game's development that it would include a sex scene. While yes, the game does include a sex scene, the actual scene (and not scenes, as Yellow Kevin would have you believe) is far more tame than what can be seen on premium television channels, which is in many more homes than a new generation gaming console.
Opponents to this stance will immediately cry, "But Sword! The V Chip!" And to them, I say this. ESRB. The Entertainment Systems Ratings Board has made great strides in keeping potential objectionable content out of the hands of minors, and most (if not all) gaming stores perform 100% ID checks for the sale of 'Mature" rated games, like Mass Effect. Furthermore, many stores refuse to stock games that garner a rating of "Adults Only," like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which was given a stronger rating after the overreaction to the "Hot Coffee" unlocking patch for PC version of the game (I feel that I should note that the patch was, in no way, released through official channels).
But the facts don't matter to the Yellow King. Half truths were enough for him to take such a libelous stance against a group that, until recently, has remained silent.
For those of you who wish to believe his drivel, there's nothing I can say to you to change your mind. I can only hope that you get your future news feeds with a little more emphasis on the truth.
This yellow journalist seems to have taken cue from Jack Thompson, and decided the best way to slander candidates he dislikes is to make exaggerated claims against the video game industry. In his article (and subsequent rebuttal), he makes many references to the XBox 360 title, "Mass Effect."
The game, a mix of action/adventure and RPG, has seen headline time before, as it was leaked early in the game's development that it would include a sex scene. While yes, the game does include a sex scene, the actual scene (and not scenes, as Yellow Kevin would have you believe) is far more tame than what can be seen on premium television channels, which is in many more homes than a new generation gaming console.
Opponents to this stance will immediately cry, "But Sword! The V Chip!" And to them, I say this. ESRB. The Entertainment Systems Ratings Board has made great strides in keeping potential objectionable content out of the hands of minors, and most (if not all) gaming stores perform 100% ID checks for the sale of 'Mature" rated games, like Mass Effect. Furthermore, many stores refuse to stock games that garner a rating of "Adults Only," like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which was given a stronger rating after the overreaction to the "Hot Coffee" unlocking patch for PC version of the game (I feel that I should note that the patch was, in no way, released through official channels).
But the facts don't matter to the Yellow King. Half truths were enough for him to take such a libelous stance against a group that, until recently, has remained silent.
For those of you who wish to believe his drivel, there's nothing I can say to you to change your mind. I can only hope that you get your future news feeds with a little more emphasis on the truth.