ok....freakin' out a little bit...I just went on a job interview and I am (of course) the recommended candidate ...trouble is I have to come up with written reference letters which I never had to have before at any of the ooh 8 or so schools I've worked in ...so I don't have them lying around like apparently other people do....my future boss recommends what?...
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right leg is being very Alien I'm currently expecting something to emerge from it. It's very creepy. Lot's of fluid discharge happening, I mean a lot. I left a message for the surgeon's office detailing these things and um, I'm hoping to get a call saying that it's not as bad as I think it is. Why is this happening now you ask? Because the...
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I watch the Jimi Hendrix biography any time it's on. I'm not sure if people are aware of what a wise and insightful individual he was. The one thing that I think is a bit of a shame is idk if people know what a huge sci - fi fan he was. A lot of the songs that people were thinking were about lsd were...
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I don't get a lot of true REM sleep. I spend a lot of time in between worlds of sleeping and waking. Seems like I'm starting to do more and more physically during that time thinking that world is real and those situations need address. It seems I frantically ripped a page out of my good note book/memoir. I remember doing that but....don't remember why....
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watching the travel channel to keep my thoughts warm and sunny they are doing 21 sexiest beaches right now not too sure that's entirely my thing but you know I have always wanted a hammock going to have to get a hammock soon. hope this body gets progressively better too maybe I'd like beaches more I was such a water baby as a kid. Want...
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Went on a kind of date with a friend of my sister's didn't feel 'that thing' and he is not getting the hint. I even had to do the quick turn the cheek move or one was gonna be surprise planted on me sigh. Not sure what to do have not felt 'that thing' in a long time. Actually the last time was a guy...
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I got a lot done yesterday. Apart from that I picked up a hitch hiker for the first time in my life as far as I can remember. Seemed ok at first, she said she was surprised a girl picked her up, and I was like 'don't get into cars with boys'. She said she had a knife I let her know I had two...
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Well I've got a lot of bionic parts now. Most recently I had my left knee fully replaced in October 2011 and then even more recently my right knee fully replaced in December. I'm still trying to heal from that one it isn't being very easy for some reason. It is interesting too to know that with this knee (the right) they filled some of...
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But terrible for the liver.
Your blog reminds me of one time during a bedroom encounter when I referred to my partners implants as "cyber-boobs" and she thought I was initiating roleplaying. I had to stop her a few moments into her listing other robotic parts to explain that, no, I just meant that she literally had cyber-boobs, in our real world.
Your blog reminds me of one time during a bedroom encounter when I referred to my partners implants as "cyber-boobs" and she thought I was initiating roleplaying. I had to stop her a few moments into her listing other robotic parts to explain that, no, I just meant that she literally had cyber-boobs, in our real world.
That is pretty hilarious although neat that she was willing to be sexually creative. Not sure though that I'd choose to have those parts be bionic but people really ought to do what they think is best. Thank you for sharing that story with me it was really uplifting
happy national chocolate covered peanuts day! I'm off to start working with my new student a little girl with autism, Auruara
So there is finally a diagnosis for the knees since they have been giving me issues starting in late July this time. The evil is severe necrosis which means the prednisone literally killed/ ate my knees. The sentence is surgery I have to have them both replaced. I am fairly nervous. Not too many 27 year olds need to start having parts replaced this surgury...
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sorry to hear that, good luck with surgery
Sorry to hear...Hope the surgery goes well!