I feel so incredibly good and happy and bordering on sexy today. I went to another Autism lecture taught by Peter Gherhardt who's work I am amazed by. Everyone there was amazed he blew away the whole room I was so glad to be sitting there and feeling like I knew some secret that everyone was about to find out. I love that I'm getting these refreshers in before I try to get back into the field. I would hat e to be all rusty I don't feel as though I would be as effective for the guys on the spectrum if it had been like a year since I brushed up on theory and methodology and stuff. I just can't believe how happy I am and I feel good nothing hurts This is the best day I have had in a real long time.
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
ok....freakin' out a little bit...I just went on a job interview and … -
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
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Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
I watch the Jimi Hendrix biography any time it's on. I'm not sure if … -
Monday Jan 16, 2012
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Sunday Jan 15, 2012
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Thursday Jan 12, 2012
Went on a kind of date with a friend of my sister's didn't feel 'that… -
Saturday Jan 07, 2012
I got a lot done yesterday. Apart from that I picked up a hitch hiker… -
Monday Jan 02, 2012
Well I've got a lot of bionic parts now. Most recently I had my left … -
Thursday Feb 24, 2011
happy national chocolate covered peanuts day! I'm off to start workin… -
Thursday Dec 09, 2010
So there is finally a diagnosis for the knees since they have been gi…