Going to the Cancer Institute in a couple minutes for a blood test mostly for platelets. My biggest thing right now though is I love making jewelery and generally creating things. I have been encouraged to start selling the stuff on Etsy which I just found out about. I was going to use Ebay but the steam punk community insists that Etsy.com is the better bet. I am amazed by what people are making on there I am just also amazed at what some of them are charging. I hope that I can have the proverbial balls to charge enough to make money like they do because I'm modest enough to put myself in the red and end up spending more for supplies than I make in profits. I hope that doesn't happen
More Blogs
Friday Aug 06, 2010
I have been feeling more alive lately ....I mean not today in particu… -
Monday Jul 05, 2010
I am not sure what just happened....I have recently started watching … -
Saturday Jul 03, 2010
I have to do hard things a lot of the time like cut the dogs nails...… -
Friday Jul 02, 2010
Haven't written anything in a while I guess sometimes I don't see the… -
Thursday Feb 18, 2010
I am so grateful right now because I'm starting to feel better and co… -
Saturday Feb 13, 2010
I have been pushing my body as much as I can the last few days betwee… -
Friday Feb 05, 2010
I feel so incredibly good and happy and bordering on sexy today. I we… -
Friday Jan 29, 2010
I found that at the Autism training that I've been at for the past fe… -
Wednesday Jan 27, 2010
I have very little motivation today I did everything I felt I had to … -
Friday Jan 01, 2010
I'm so happy I'm getting closer and closer to getting my wee hybrid b…