This is a really bad day to be that girl who has almost all guy friends and to be the one whom those guy friends will say anything to ...i.e. affairs, complaints about significant others, sexual desires and exploits, how attractive they find women who look absolutely nothing like know stuff...and then people wonder why I hesitate to be in relationships and conform to...
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Now I feet really bad ....I activated my stuffed owl that hoots....Legadema is apparently opposed ...he is NOT happy and I feel bad....that's been the theme of the day...earlier I had Les Stroud on in the back ground and he made some coyote calls that Legadema didn't like either ...I don't understand normally he's such a bad ass he doesn't fear things that normal pets...
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happy for things having known enough pain in life to appreciate the understanding of a relative lack there of ...a warm blanket ...and documentaries about astro physics with epic back ground music and paradoxical language ....not sure what to make of my sister telling me that she is reminded of me by some eloquently spoken man with a large beard featured on a thing...
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I resent you partially collapsed lung - _ - pretentious useless breathing organ....fine.... you want to make cardio at the gym more tedious?! ....challenge accepted...ya know if you were just slightly better at your job I wouldn't be able to claim to have been temporarily dead at least once....and FYI I do not enjoy being intubated so .....step it the Eff up!
Must remember not to let anyone take away your inner peace ......they can't do it if you don't let them....which is exponentially harder to remember when they are doing their damnedest to frighten you into submitting it to them.....must use the force ....don't let their negativity mutate into something contagious
Ok....note to self ....devise creative way to work into my profile that humans with wives and/or serious monogamous girlfriends need to fuck off .....but nicely ....because rude people are eaten by Hannibal Lecter...and I can't have that ...."I hope that concludes your faltering attempt to mate" -Dr. Sheldon Cooper
not this profile dating profile
Angelsarenymphos = It has come to mean that being an angel doesn't have to connote innocence and being a nymphomaniac doesn't mean one is necessarily a whore.....the two can coexist in one body ....and sometimes it's good to walk the earth destroying the paradigms of the status quo
So...I'm still having the same anxiety attack that I've been having for the last five or so hours as I wait by the phone for the animal hospital to call because when I arrived home at noon from being at the car dealership since 7 a.m. getting my car fixed it was brought to my attention that my cat (Legadima) was limping I found that...
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random Saturday afternoon musings
The look on a car guys face when I say 'did you want to use MY leatherman?' ....priceless .....
- as I produce my multi - tool from my purse -
purse + leatherman = confuzzled car guy
and amused me
like 'I'm sorry did I just Eff you're immersion?'
lol....I know ....I shouldn't exist right ?....yeah ...about that ....I'm called...
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The look on a car guys face when I say 'did you want to use MY leatherman?' ....priceless .....
- as I produce my multi - tool from my purse -
purse + leatherman = confuzzled car guy
and amused me
like 'I'm sorry did I just Eff you're immersion?'
lol....I know ....I shouldn't exist right ?....yeah ...about that ....I'm called...
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Something I wrote to a woman in an abusive marriage who publicly asked why do we stay?
We stay because we forget our own value we stay because we believe in the promises we made we stay because we believe for one reason or other that there is no other way we stay because we don't know if someone else will ever love us and...
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We stay because we forget our own value we stay because we believe in the promises we made we stay because we believe for one reason or other that there is no other way we stay because we don't know if someone else will ever love us and...
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so true... My mom is still with my dad and they should have separated for good, years ago...