So yeah guys...I got my vertical clitoral hood piercing done this week. Stung like a bee and the jewelry isn't as big as I'd like it to be for the desired effect, but it sure is pretty and I'm excited. In other news...the world is spinning way too quickly.
So I officially have the coolest room-mate ever. I moved in with Court last Wednesday night and it looks like smooth sailing ahead. There's no awkward small talk and we're definitely comfortable with each other, which is more than I can say for the room-mates that I lived with in my old dorm room. Yeah, there's vegan food in the fridge, but she's the sweetest...
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Hello there new friend!

Hello there new friend!

So guess who's going to be in Ohio for the next 4 days? *waves innocently* I've never been so excited, but then again, I've never done this before. I haven't been on a plane since I was 10 and I get to do it all by myself this time. Get ready for pictures galore when I get back and maybe even some before I get...
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have fun on your trip!
oh the sex stories you've given me! lol
Well, there's a first time for everything. I'm a loyal member over at LiveJournal and I tell all sorts of lovely overly personal shit about myself, so we'll see how this journal here goes. Oooh and Courtney can read it.
Oh the things I'm easily fascinated by.

bwahaha! i can comment too!!! i'm so proud of you hun!!