Off with your head
Dance 'till you're dead
Heads Will Roll
Heads Will Roll
On the floor
Glitter on the wet streets
Silver over everything
The river's all wet
You're all cold
Dripping with alchemy
Shiver stop shivering
The glitter's all wet
You're all chrome

I just recently spent a day at Santa Cruz with my best friend Danny. We totally engorged ourselves with various types of deep fried foods including corn dogs, deep-fried twinkies, and chili-cheese BACON fries. And I had forgetten just how fantastic the Giant Dippper reallly is.

Look at him with his foosball, THAT is an American boy ladies and gents
Dance 'till you're dead
Heads Will Roll
Heads Will Roll
On the floor
Glitter on the wet streets
Silver over everything
The river's all wet
You're all cold
Dripping with alchemy
Shiver stop shivering
The glitter's all wet
You're all chrome

I just recently spent a day at Santa Cruz with my best friend Danny. We totally engorged ourselves with various types of deep fried foods including corn dogs, deep-fried twinkies, and chili-cheese BACON fries. And I had forgetten just how fantastic the Giant Dippper reallly is.

Look at him with his foosball, THAT is an American boy ladies and gents

Fun Pics lady !