Well after last night's display of unbridled fury I'm feeling. . . better. . not good per se, but better. Me hurt = exquisite plans of revenge. Alchohol me hurt = total chaos. My friends are precious. Thanks to all of them that were there (holding me back) and to the ones there in spirit. i know i'm too fragile for my own good. This whole situation has helped me realize that the well of hurt in me is deeper than I thought. i wish it wasn't so, its hard to control, but hell its ends up making good art (usually lol) so why complain too much. I'm not the type to regularly yell hurful things at someone in public, but i am as of yet not regretting what i did. I might have ended up regretting what i would have done if Shannon and the gang didn't pull (or push actually) me out of that place. i could never be physically violent to a girl so there are no worries there, but to chumps who get in the way well. . . So the struggle continues. On a cool note I did met Faerie at the same place. Jacki, u rock so much its insane (lets just pretend we're married for now until I settle down lol), thank you thank you thank you. your words made it much easier for me to sleep last night. Megs, you made it easier for me to look this new day in the eye. I love you all. Damn I'm so EMO!! lol I'm going to the gym tonight and lifiting a thousand weights!! to anyone who i don't know who made it all the way through this mega-length blog drop me a comment( u might as well now) and share how much you're friends rock or how crazy you've been lately. I'm out, but back in the game.
Currently listening:
Sweet Heart Dealer
By Scarling
Currently listening:
Sweet Heart Dealer
By Scarling