so i got a new job and i already quit. first of all the kirby company sucks. i made like $800 last week but i had to work from like 9am to 11pm monday thru saturday... that's fucking insane! plus my 22 year old boss constantly asked to see my piercings and would go on and on about how he loves head. blah. he was cute and all but first of all he was my boss and second as soon as he opened his mouth he lost all his appeal... fucking idiot.
well, i just got back from north carolina. my stepmom's mom died so i went to charlotte for a few days then went to raleigh to see my mom and my brother. my mom took me shopping so that was great. we get along a lot better now that i leave 700 miles away.
about matt he has to quick drinking this week or his dad is gonna cut him off. i don't know if he can do it and considering he just quit his job and i quit mine... i think this is a very bad thing!!!
i'm gonna go back to school soon and my mom's gonna help us so that's possitive. i'm gonna try to get a job at a restaurant or something for the time being... well, gotta go to the bank. rents due today... fucking yay!!!
well, i just got back from north carolina. my stepmom's mom died so i went to charlotte for a few days then went to raleigh to see my mom and my brother. my mom took me shopping so that was great. we get along a lot better now that i leave 700 miles away.
about matt he has to quick drinking this week or his dad is gonna cut him off. i don't know if he can do it and considering he just quit his job and i quit mine... i think this is a very bad thing!!!
i'm gonna go back to school soon and my mom's gonna help us so that's possitive. i'm gonna try to get a job at a restaurant or something for the time being... well, gotta go to the bank. rents due today... fucking yay!!!
good luck
WELL DO,..Cus I miss that crazy cat,..we had soem laughs,.. anyway,...wats the deal,..u should let me in on wats cool n wats not on here,..sum tips r wat have u,..seein as how im new to sg,...r u n jenn still cool or no?