[IMG]http://<img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/angelink/mm1.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">[/IMG]
so i'm at work and bored off my ass. the fair is in town so i'm gonna go to that tomorrow. it should be fun. i've been hanging out with my ex (ray) a lot recently. i've been meeting a lot of new people recently too. i've met two really nice guys in the last couple of weeks. i hang out with them at the...
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<img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/angelink/amy10.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"><br><br>

me and my roommate.

<img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/angelink/amy9.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"><br><br>
<img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/angelink/amy7.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"><br><br>
hey guys, so things are pretty good here. i'm tired as shit. i'm up at my work because my roommate is getting tattooed. so i'm up here to hold her hand. i had a pretty good bday. just got drunk, which isn't very unusual for any day of the week. the boss finished the tattoo on my ribs for me and my piercer pierced my...
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I love toys and guitars
so now i have bought a laptop but i still have to get the internet on it. then i think that i'm gonna try to become a suicide girl. i just need to have the internet so that i can update my journal more often. everything is going good here. i'm still at warlocks!!! it's great!! i don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend or anything...
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Happy Birthday!

SG? Go for it.
Definately! You should put up some preview pics to get us hooked. smile
i know... i'm neglecting everyone again... i'm sorry. i have a new man but i don't know how well it is gonna work out. he's cool and all. he lives in another city so i don't have someone stuck up my ass which is nice but whatever. i'm still doing a lot of modeling. and i've gotten some new tattoos. i finially colored in the...
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hey guys... so i am dating someone new!! he is sooo awesome!! (www.myspace.com/cammohearts) add him as your friend if you have myspace.com (that is if you exist yet)!!! he rocks!!! i'm sooooo happy!!! anyways!! i have a couple new pics on myspace too and you should check them out (www.myspace.com/angelink)... anyways... i really think that i'm gonna try to become a suicidegirl now... what do...
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aww yay smile
and yes, go for it! be naked with me, heh