Well, I am now finally 21 now. And even thought I am older my spelling and grammer still suck. O well I guess I should look at the bright side of things. Thank You all for my 21st birthday wishes. I had a great 21st bithday. Did the family thing early afternoon and in the even my women took me out and I had a blast with Her, She is so fucking unbeleveble amazing. I missed Her I have not seen Her for a few months we took a short speration period. So we are starting fresh but slow. But its all going well. She took me to a really nice hight class bar and we had really expensive martines. Then we went out for chocolate and a horse and buggy ride threw downtown. It was mighty beautiful and quit romantic. The moon was full the air and weather where perfect and so was the night. Then we went to a divey bar and there was this really hot chick there how had a shirt that said sorry boys I eat pussy. I had a liter like that but it came up missing. Then we left and She took me back home. And when I got home my friend Ro was there waiting on me and she had cleaned my house while I was gone. She does that alot clean my house and let my brow her ps2. And that was my 21 birthday. So now that I am 21 I get to go to all the fetish parties that my little hearts desires which is the whole reson why I have been wanting to be 21 was so I could go to fetsih parties. And now that I can my journal will be filled with fetsih party stories and hopefully pictures as well. Most fetish parties don't aloow You to take pictures but hopefully I can sneek in a few shots for ya all. O I am sure that I have all ready said something baout this but I took out all my dreads about 6 months ago to get a job. And now I am blonde and will be blonder soon. So I will try and post some new pictures of my new hair dew. So keep watch. Well that is all for noew take care ever one and don't forget to party hard to keep the fun alive.
Love always, Mothra

O I forgot to add something in my entry. I just wanted to give mad props to Squeak on her new set it is so awsome. So check it out.