I volunteer at a place called Kitty Corner. It is a wonderful place where they keep unwanted kitties so they may find a home someday. There is this one kitty name Timmy that I work with a lot. He was boring without hip sockets and had to have surgery. So ever day when I go to volunteer, I have to make him walk several times a day. So, his legs will get stronger. Then hopefully one day he will be able to walk again. Any ways what I am getting at is, that I am thinking about adopting him. He is such a sweet kitty and deserves a good loving home where he will get the time that attention that he needs, to make his legs strong. There are some other people who are thinking about taking him as well, but if they do not then I might. Hopefully I get job working at petsmart because I will get discounts on kitty supplies that I need to help take care of him. Well, that's all I have to say for now. So, take care. Love always, Tink

That whole story is incredibly adorable!

I hope that Timmy did end up with a person like you.....
I think he could of used a lot of your positive energy...