Ok I know we have all ready talked about the fact that the stuff You use to clean You face with so You don't get zits smells real bad!! Wel why is it the stuff that is all Natural smell worse then the stuff that is made up of all diffrent types of chemicals. That I'm sure is not as good for You faces as the all natural. And here is another complaint I have... You see I am a vegetarian so I don't it meat. So instead of meat I eat a lot of soy ummm soy. And it's better for You then real meat is it has more vitamins and nutrients in it then meat does. Now here is where my complaint comes in why in the HELL is the stuff that's good for You to eat cost You a damn arm and a leg to buy and is sometimes hard to find depending on what You looking for You. And the stuff not so good for You cheeper. And they wonder why people are so over weight hum I wonder
Ok now that I'm done with that I'm going to go and get me oober expensive sewing machine that I will be need next year for school cuz my cheep ass one which really want to cheep broke
So TTFN Ta Ta For Now!!! lLove Always Your Friend, Mothra/Blind Fairy Lost Doll
