Hay I just wante to say Thanks so much to ever one who sent my a B-day greeting!!! That was reall sweet of You all. I got part of a Tattoo done I still have two more 4 hour settings of color to do. I get a tattoo ever day on my B-day for the last past three years. Its kool thought. And I will be seeing Crisis in consert on the 30th which should be cool. And I promies one day when I actually deside to get my lazy ass in gear I will get some pics up here and try and get my web site rolling again but it proble want be untill mt tattoos are all finished so it mite be a month are so. And I hope to be a SG by October 31st. And as I always say don't forget to Party Hard to keep the Fun Alive. Love Ya Lost Doll Blind Fairy/Mothra

i missed your bday?!? im so sorry
A KISS FOR YOU! happy belated bday! whats ur new tat going to be of

oh thats kick ass you definately have to post a pic when your tats finished cause i want to see!