I just got back from a vaca with the my Mom her boyfriend and the girl who live next door and is a friend of my moms. It had it's up and downs but hey I got to go t Vagas baby and it's a hole new world out there I have a new out look on life because of that trip it changed me for the good. While I was down there I got to see a show called Zumanity it is done by a group the does lots of shows down in vegas the are called Cirque Du Soleli if You are ever in Vegas I urge You to go see this show it's worth ever damn penny and I would go and see it agian it was so great and thought I did not get to this trip You should check out some of Cirque Du Soleil Shows if You can aford to do so I know I will the next time I'm in Vegas which I hope it's reall soon. And we went to New Mexico and to Arizona to see the grand canyon and this other smaller one let me tell ya the grand canyon isn't so grand if ya know what I mean but all the parts of the trip that sucked which was most of it it was worth it cuz I got to see Zumanity. And as I always say party hard and keep the fun alive. Love always Lost Doll


Happy Birthday.