Dont you just hate it when you cant find that skirt are shirt you want to wear. And You tare you house and or room apart looking for it but you still cant find it anywhere. And it's like it has just disappear of the faces of the earth
. I need that damn skirt so bad cuz me and my girl are going away to her friend Heathers house out in the middel of fucking nowhere. Where there is no civilization for miles and miles around. Where we can somke some pot and drink some alcohol and blaring skinny puppy at top volume. And not have to worrie about people bitching that the musics to loud. No of that shit. Just R and R all the way baby. The frist day where going down there just to hang out and chill and then the next day will be Heathers B day which will rock cuz parties at Heathers are awsome!!! But theres one problem I CANT FIND THE FUCKING SKRIT!!!!!
That would be so perfect to wear down there and I have alot of cute aoutfits plaind aroubd that DMAN SKIRT but I cant find it
. And when I do find it I wont need it any more cuz that;s just the way things work. O yeah and if I can find my Damn Id I will be going to some consert on May 4th I cant remeber who to spell the bands name but I remember My Girl Evil
talking about going to see them one night maybe in one of her pretty resent journal entries. So yeah but If I can go it sould be fun. Well untill next time and who knows when in the hell that will be cuz I'm so damn bizy now that My Girl and I are back togather
but O well I would have it any other way cuz I love her
. So peace out and have a great life!!! Love always Your Friend Painic

My favorite part is when she has a girl come on stage and sucks her big pink cock!!! I almost wet my panties!!!