Time for a new journal in-put. And lets hope that we can make this one a little more cheerful. Lets she what am I doing for the rest of this month.... Well, on the 18th I'm getting my hair put in dreads. And then some color extensions because it's a bitch to die your hair when its in dreads because the color never come out completly when ya wash it so it gets all over everthing. So you hafe to keep a towl between your head and what ever it's touching. I'm going to playboys 50th anniversary party at the Vouge I think that's like one the 28th are the 23th. But then I'm going to some hip hop night a another club called insomnia on a friday are a Saturday. And then on a nother weekend I'm going back up to one of my fav clubs called Bullwinkles its a gay bar. I love gay bars because you can sit there a talk and have drinks and even dance with a atractive guy and at the end of the night he does not try and get you to go home with him. And who knows what other clubs we will hit befor I leave for Cali. O Well it should be fun tho. And I can't forget to say something about the 3rd annual black and blue ball fetish advent that's comeing up in New York. And I of coures will be there with one of my vanilla friends. But it should be fun none the less. Well that's it for now. I will try and up date more often. Love always Your Friend,.....* Hugs and kisses and lots and lots of Rainbows!!!


i hope your ex got back to ya with something good!!!

wow.. sounds like youve got a really busy week ahead of you.. I wish there was like 1/2 of that shit to do around here. I hate living in the middle of nowhere.. ha.