Why does ever one take this journal writing and commenting shit so seriously.I really didn't think any one actually read any of it. It's cool and all to keep up with what your friends are posting because there your friends and you actually care what's going on with them. But why does any one care what the fuck is gowing on with all the other people who inabit this world. It's like what I say about people who wach talk shows. They don't have a life of there own so they try and get rapped in some strangers life that they never have even came in contact with. I think that it's because they need to feel like they are apart of something important. That's just my theory. And who really cares any way. So do me a favor and your self one to don't comment on anything untill you have some brain cells implanted in your head K! And to all my friends out they you know I love you and that I care so please excuse my extreme bluntness. I'm sorry if I offended any of you it was not ment to. Much love to ya. Love always Your Friend,.... Hugs and Kisses and lots and lots of Rainbows!!!


thaks hunny bunny! i haven't checked my email yet, but thanks anyways!!!