Well I ran in to an old friend of mine that I when to hight school with. Boy did that bring back memories. Any who, I never realized how much I missed her. She is going threw the same thing that I'm going threw right now. We both have pushed alot of are friends away because we just need space right now and we just want to be alone. And she is a great person to talk to because she trys to put her self in the situation and then thinks what would she do if she where going threw that are had gone threw that? Whould she have done the same? Are done differently befor juges. And I just think that's really cool. Not that any one cares. But I was excited about seeing her and it made me happy so I just thought I mite share it with ever one even if you don't care because I do and that's all that matters. But in about a month are so I mite be an official suicide girl ya for me woohoo
!!! Not that you care about that either. Jee what an optimistic person I'm making my self out to be
Love always Your Friend.... Hugs and Kisses and lots and lots of Rainbows!!!