Sorry it has been so long since my last journal but I still don't have a working computer at my current residence but luckly My lovely friends have somw what fuctioning computers so it's all good. So now it's time for my what's going on in Itai's life up date. I finally dump my controling girlfriend after for long years of crap. And I got...
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Sorry my journal entries are so long and in beween. I don't have a fuctioning computer so I use my friends lap top when ever she comes over to vist me are I come to her house. I have a lot to up date. I broke up with girlfriend of four years and I sould have broke up with her sooner. Its werid being in...
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were are you? sorry it's been so long!

i know its been along time but i wanted to pop in and say hi!
Sorry it has been so long scents my last journal intre but my computer crashed and the libary computers now have a prental block so I cant get on sg from there anymore
FUCKERS!!! O well luckly my friend brough over her lap top for me to use for the day. I am not in sf right now sadly. My grandmal has canser and the...
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I bathe daily.
Well, shower.
hi, I just moved here. From Indiana. Where I was a homeless cross-dressing ninja. And yeah.
Well, shower.
hi, I just moved here. From Indiana. Where I was a homeless cross-dressing ninja. And yeah.
Happy Valentine's Day

Okay time for another boring journal intre that no one will respond to. Don't worry this one is going to be short and sweet. I just wanted to give my props to my girl Squeak for hooking me upwith some very useful information about hair. You are a ture Goddess my Dear Sweet and Beautiful Squeak. I love you kiss kiss
Love always, itai
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hey hot stuff. I love my women, too. oh shit, i love everybody. sex is fun. Why so down on SG?? I want another journal entry. I'm hereby requesting something spicy. hope you have it in you. are you still in SF? if so, we should go to hooters for midnight snack some time. they make a mean grilled cheese sandwich. i prefer cheddar cheese and always a tomatoe slice whenever possible. have you tried it? so good.
anyway, hope to hear from you soon. i'll be waiting to hear your creative side...
anyway, hope to hear from you soon. i'll be waiting to hear your creative side...
Been so long scents I have written. Been busy serving my wonderful fabulous Women! Kiss kiss. Also I have not had acess to a computer in a while. Also been real busy dealing with a shit ton of personal shit. I am kind of going threw the same shit devilyn is going threw. So honey I feel your pain. I went to see the SG...
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Well, I am now finally 21 now. And even thought I am older my spelling and grammer still suck. O well I guess I should look at the bright side of things. Thank You all for my 21st birthday wishes. I had a great 21st bithday. Did the family thing early afternoon and in the even my women took me out and I had a...
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O I forgot to add something in my entry. I just wanted to give mad props to Squeak on her new set it is so awsome. So check it out.
Yeah... I am back in action and no I was not dead but I am quit ill tho
. My computer monitor stop working on my so I had to get a new one. Its been a long time scents I have been one here and man have we got a lot of Hot new Girls on here. One day I hope to be one...
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Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
I saw the balloon next to your name on one of your friend's journal, and figured I'd send some birthday wishes your way. Hope you're still having fun at PetSmart, and good luck with the bartending license.
I saw the balloon next to your name on one of your friend's journal, and figured I'd send some birthday wishes your way. Hope you're still having fun at PetSmart, and good luck with the bartending license.
I volunteer at a place called Kitty Corner. It is a wonderful place where they keep unwanted kitties so they may find a home someday. There is this one kitty name Timmy that I work with a lot. He was boring without hip sockets and had to have surgery. So ever day when I go to volunteer, I have to make him walk several times...
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That whole story is incredibly adorable!

I hope that Timmy did end up with a person like you.....
I think he could of used a lot of your positive energy...

Life is like a rollacoster. One minute ever thing is looking up and then down and then up again and then back down. Its giving me a fucking migraine.
Things are getting to be very irritating but i guess that is life. So i have no choice but to deal and rool with the puches. O well life suck and You just have to deal....
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Im on the rollercoaster too girl, so dont worry, you're not alone. 

your right it is a rollercoaster...good points and bad...and were all just along for the ride all you can do is choose to enjoy it or hate it right?
Well still no job and there for still no money to pay to get my car fixed. I need to come up with $500.00 to get my car out of the shop. No car no able to find a job but then again no job no money to be able to pay for the car. God it suck not having any money
But thats between...
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good luck coming up with the money. lol sell stuff on ebay
You no what there are to many suicide girl to be able to only pick 5 as You fav. i have at lest six right now the ones that are up there pluse Visha. You Rock Girl. But thats not the main reson why i am writting. Things mite be looking up for me. Lets hope at lest. I had originally thought my x girlfriend...
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This is my frist journal intre for the New Year and let me tell ya its been a sucky one
Just when everthing seems to be going ok something comes along to fuck it all up. Like my girlfriend now ignoring me now that her and her boyfriend are back togather
And the engien in my car went boom so that needs to be fixed...
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when things hit the bottom ...they can only get better 

When you are at rock bottom you can only go up from there!!!