awesome way to start a journal entry huh.. but that's how i feel right now..
i got one of those stupid things in the mail from cingular saying that i could get a free phone in the mail since i signed over. so i thought cool free phone, my mom needs one since she lost her's.. so i called and the guy was like yeah you're approved for the phone and took my info and mailing address and asked me to stay on the line for the confirmation. so i stayed on, and when the recorded confirmation came on, it said that i was signed up for a plan, 450 rollover minutes and 5000 n&w, and text messaging and shit! I didn't want a fucking plan.. i already have a fucking plan! i just wanted the phone! so i called the customer service number he'd given me, but they're closed for the weekend.. so i called the other number back, and the lady i talked to told me that they were really busy and that the shipping department was supposed to be calling to confirm my mailing address and shipping payments, and all i have to do is to tell them that i don't want the phone and not to send it.. but its been an hour and a half and they still haven't called! and i have shit to do.. i can't be sitting next to the phone all day! i should have known that nothing comes for free...
i'm in such a weird mood today.. i feel all lazy and like i don't want to do anything.. but then i feel anxious and like i should be doing something and like i'm forgetting something. i hate feeling like this... when i'm not working or not in class or not with marshall, i don't know what to do with myself. i drew some for my class next week.. no weed to smoke..
i think i'm just missing marshall and my friends who are away at school. i haven't gotten to spend anytime with marshall at all this week. it's hellweek at the frat, so he's spending all his time there.. and then he goes home on the weekends.. and he's at class during the day.. i haven't gotten to spend any time with him since before x-mas.. i feel lonely..
i have a couple ideas for a set, and by some lucky chance my sis left her digital camera here when she went back to philly, so i have a digital camera i can use for a couple weeks.. so hopefully i'll take some pics soon..
i have to go to some stupid make-up show tonight with mom.. i'm thinking of telling her to just go ahead and not come pick me up.. we'll see how i feel in a few hours..
well, i'm going to just sit her by the phone some more, in hopes that the fucking shipping department calls soon so i can cancel that fucking order..
so remember kids.. nothing is free...
awesome way to start a journal entry huh.. but that's how i feel right now..
i got one of those stupid things in the mail from cingular saying that i could get a free phone in the mail since i signed over. so i thought cool free phone, my mom needs one since she lost her's.. so i called and the guy was like yeah you're approved for the phone and took my info and mailing address and asked me to stay on the line for the confirmation. so i stayed on, and when the recorded confirmation came on, it said that i was signed up for a plan, 450 rollover minutes and 5000 n&w, and text messaging and shit! I didn't want a fucking plan.. i already have a fucking plan! i just wanted the phone! so i called the customer service number he'd given me, but they're closed for the weekend.. so i called the other number back, and the lady i talked to told me that they were really busy and that the shipping department was supposed to be calling to confirm my mailing address and shipping payments, and all i have to do is to tell them that i don't want the phone and not to send it.. but its been an hour and a half and they still haven't called! and i have shit to do.. i can't be sitting next to the phone all day! i should have known that nothing comes for free...
i'm in such a weird mood today.. i feel all lazy and like i don't want to do anything.. but then i feel anxious and like i should be doing something and like i'm forgetting something. i hate feeling like this... when i'm not working or not in class or not with marshall, i don't know what to do with myself. i drew some for my class next week.. no weed to smoke..
i think i'm just missing marshall and my friends who are away at school. i haven't gotten to spend anytime with marshall at all this week. it's hellweek at the frat, so he's spending all his time there.. and then he goes home on the weekends.. and he's at class during the day.. i haven't gotten to spend any time with him since before x-mas.. i feel lonely..

i have a couple ideas for a set, and by some lucky chance my sis left her digital camera here when she went back to philly, so i have a digital camera i can use for a couple weeks.. so hopefully i'll take some pics soon..
i have to go to some stupid make-up show tonight with mom.. i'm thinking of telling her to just go ahead and not come pick me up.. we'll see how i feel in a few hours..
well, i'm going to just sit her by the phone some more, in hopes that the fucking shipping department calls soon so i can cancel that fucking order..
so remember kids.. nothing is free...
Holy cuteness just saw you in hopeffuls

I hate it when nit working either, i feel like i shoudl be doing somthing. So i jus play gamecube, and get on the internet from time to time, take naps.. its sucks being snowed in.