**WARNING** This entry is kind of depressing.. I had such a shitty night!
Last night I was supposed to go up to VT for the party my friends were throwing me. I planned on getting there around 10pm. I ended up missing the exit to get off in Bradford, and didn't realize it till 2 exits later. and on 89, the exits are like 12 miles apart, no lie. so i had to turn around and head back south, and ended up driving and hour out of the way! after i got off at the right exit we headed towards jake's house. and it had snowed there, and the roads were covered in ice. so of course, my small little honda del sol couldn't make it up the long ass ice covered dirt road that lead to his house. while trying to drive up, a police car and ambulance passed us. after 30 minutes we finally made it up the road, and turned the bend in his driveway, and the police and ambulance were there at their house! they wouldn't let us down the rest of the driveway, and told us to leave. so we turned around and headed home. i was so pissed and worried and tired and stressed that on the way home i missed the exit to get back on route 89 from 91, and ended up driving all the way to springfield, ma! so i had to then find my way back to 495 and go north back to lowell! at the beginning of the night i had left lowell at 8pm, and didn't arrive back home till 4am!! i had spent 8 fucking hours stuck in a car in the snow and ice and highways! last night turned to fucking shit! and i couldn't call back to find out what happened becuz my cell phone has no service in VT, and by the time it came back into service it was like 2 in the morning..
so today, luckily i don't have to work. i'm just going to sit around the house, hope jake or phil call me to tell me what happened, and be pissed at myself for missing the right exits twice in one night, driving insane amount of miles and time out of the way, and spending over $40 in gas... oh, and getting so fucking drunk tonight you wouldn't believe! i need it...
hope everyone else had a better night than i.
when i'm feeling more in the mood, and know more details, i'll elaborate, and try not to be so depressing..
Last night I was supposed to go up to VT for the party my friends were throwing me. I planned on getting there around 10pm. I ended up missing the exit to get off in Bradford, and didn't realize it till 2 exits later. and on 89, the exits are like 12 miles apart, no lie. so i had to turn around and head back south, and ended up driving and hour out of the way! after i got off at the right exit we headed towards jake's house. and it had snowed there, and the roads were covered in ice. so of course, my small little honda del sol couldn't make it up the long ass ice covered dirt road that lead to his house. while trying to drive up, a police car and ambulance passed us. after 30 minutes we finally made it up the road, and turned the bend in his driveway, and the police and ambulance were there at their house! they wouldn't let us down the rest of the driveway, and told us to leave. so we turned around and headed home. i was so pissed and worried and tired and stressed that on the way home i missed the exit to get back on route 89 from 91, and ended up driving all the way to springfield, ma! so i had to then find my way back to 495 and go north back to lowell! at the beginning of the night i had left lowell at 8pm, and didn't arrive back home till 4am!! i had spent 8 fucking hours stuck in a car in the snow and ice and highways! last night turned to fucking shit! and i couldn't call back to find out what happened becuz my cell phone has no service in VT, and by the time it came back into service it was like 2 in the morning..
so today, luckily i don't have to work. i'm just going to sit around the house, hope jake or phil call me to tell me what happened, and be pissed at myself for missing the right exits twice in one night, driving insane amount of miles and time out of the way, and spending over $40 in gas... oh, and getting so fucking drunk tonight you wouldn't believe! i need it...
hope everyone else had a better night than i.
when i'm feeling more in the mood, and know more details, i'll elaborate, and try not to be so depressing..

wow that sounds like a harsh night of driving and missing exits. If you come to the UK I'll throw you a party.
girl...i am sure i have tons of friends (since it would be my home town...) that would let you crash there, and if not, i bet anything my grammother wouldnt mind if you crashed there in a bed instead of a couch...the only thing she is against is boys...but she is old so she cant help it!
if you want, and this all ends up going through...get in touch with me...