I am absolutely bored out of my mind! 
I hate when i'm this bored.. we don't have cable anymore becuz we're moving out in 2 weeks, so we just had it shut off, and i have watched every dvd in this house so many times i can't take to watch them anymore! i don't have a membership to any of the movie places around here, and since i'm moving it's pointless to open one. my debit card it shut off anyways becuz i keep overdrawing money out of it.. so i just decided to not have it on.
i found Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Rings in my roommate's dvd collection and it's the only movie in this house that i haven't seen yet. plus i figured it would help kill a few hours..
so yeah, looks like i'm moving to central mass in a few weeks! i'm actually really excited
i can't wait to get the hell out of this place.. last night, i got home around 1:30am and there were drunk ppl walking all up and down my street.. i decided to stay inside and order out for food, but then realized i didn't have enough money for delivery (no debit card and all).. so i decided to go out to the store 24 down the street.. i got there and there was only a couple others, and then within a few seconds there were at least 8 more ppl in there! all drunk and acting really sketchy.. so i grabbed what i wanted and got out of there, and when i got back to my place there were aound 10 ppl all hanging out across the street from my apartment being loud as hell, drinking. i locked my car and went inside. i sat down to watch the 5th disc of Lost for the 3rd time in 4 days, and i could hear them talking about breaking into the cars on the street, becuz they were so drunk and talking at the top of their lungs. i kept hearing them talking about my del sol, becuz they kept saying it would harder becuz i park my car on my lawn not the street.. then i heard them trying to break in to cars and the others telling them what they were doing wrong and how they should be doing it, and the chicks with them were laughing and being obnoxious bitches. then i heard some ppl crossing the street and at the house next to mine. so i went to my front door and turned on the porch light.. i could hear the guys go "shit, leave dude, fuck it" and they scurried back across the street..
others on the street must have heard them too becuz with in 30 minutes a cop car came driving by.. most of the ppl went into the apt across the street and shut the lights out, but the cop stayed for a good 20-30 minutes flashing his lights at all the surrounding houses, even getting out of his car and checking cars and back yards on the street..
i can't wait to move off this sketchy street..
so august 1st i'll be living in n.brookfield,ma. just for a month or so, with my boyfriend's parents. till we can move into our apt.
well that's about all i have to talk about for now..
oh yeah, i'm having a shoot for my set in a couple weeks too! i can't wait!

I hate when i'm this bored.. we don't have cable anymore becuz we're moving out in 2 weeks, so we just had it shut off, and i have watched every dvd in this house so many times i can't take to watch them anymore! i don't have a membership to any of the movie places around here, and since i'm moving it's pointless to open one. my debit card it shut off anyways becuz i keep overdrawing money out of it.. so i just decided to not have it on.
i found Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Rings in my roommate's dvd collection and it's the only movie in this house that i haven't seen yet. plus i figured it would help kill a few hours..
so yeah, looks like i'm moving to central mass in a few weeks! i'm actually really excited

others on the street must have heard them too becuz with in 30 minutes a cop car came driving by.. most of the ppl went into the apt across the street and shut the lights out, but the cop stayed for a good 20-30 minutes flashing his lights at all the surrounding houses, even getting out of his car and checking cars and back yards on the street..
i can't wait to move off this sketchy street..
so august 1st i'll be living in n.brookfield,ma. just for a month or so, with my boyfriend's parents. till we can move into our apt.
well that's about all i have to talk about for now..
oh yeah, i'm having a shoot for my set in a couple weeks too! i can't wait!

miss you here
Hey Hey whats up-just to say hi-