So I'm the worst for remembering to do homework so I might end up doing some blogs that are timed really closet together lel whoops
I mean this is a pretty loaded question right 😂 Like I could be all like "I'm afraid of dying alone" or I could be like "I'm afraid of fuckboys" and I mean both would be true but idk whether to take this question seriously or not.
I actually have pretty severe anxiety, just general anxiety disorder no ocd or anything. It comes part and parcel with being borderline. So if I wanna answer this question on a deeper level, I'm afraid of nearly everything. I'm afraid of catching a train alone, of walking home at night, of ordering my own food and making phone calls and of falling over in front of people. I'm always terrified that I'll say or do the wrong thing and then piss someone off and then spend hour overanalysing everything.
Pretty exhausting shit.
However if we wanna keep it light and funny I am TERRIFIED of fuckboys seriously y'all ruin my life. Bugs and spiders freak me out but like they just goin about they life I try leave them alone. I fucken hate seeing broken bones and blood and guts but I'm not sure if that counts as somethin I'm afraid of 😂It's just gross.
I hope you found this at least slightly entertaining or informative
Till next time