@missy @rambo @lyxzen
What would I like to accomplish in the next year?
This is surprisingly hard to answer for me right now. My goals are really clear cut and set out ahead of me but none of them will be achieved in the next twelve months haha. I have a solid place to live, a beautiful lil apartment with a beautiful lil kitty cat. I'll have finished my second qualification towards becoming a youth worker and will be onto either my diploma or university (depending on a few technical issues) this time next year.
As you can see, I'm very tight with my school crew / girl gang
I've already got my beautiful baby sister who will be turning 2 soon, and this time next week I'll have a newborn baby brother. All the family a gal could ask for š
Isn't she precious?! Here's hoping the next one comes out just as perfect
Maybe in the next twelve months I'll find love. It's something I want so badly but I know it's not something you can force or plan for. I guess we will just see.
Maybe all I want to accomplish over the next year is to maintain what I've got, and to try find happiness and joy in the small things each day.