Well I am back and should be back for good now. I no longer work for Mesa Schools, for those of you that knew me from back in the day LOL. I have been around and thought I had finally found the girl that would be mine for ever, we got engaged and well now we are not together. She was and still is one of my best friends. So yeah my life has been up and down. Now I need to find places to go and get out to figure out who I am.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 01, 2008
DAMN IT WTB WARHAMMER COMING OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! I is bored and need a… -
Sunday Aug 24, 2008
Just got home from another outline session on the sleeve and now inst… -
Thursday Aug 21, 2008
I am starting to wonder what the fuck I am doing with my life now tha… -
Wednesday Aug 13, 2008
In the new house and loving it nothing like moving in with some one y… -
Friday Aug 08, 2008
Moving tomorrow and not goign to have internet for a while what to do… -
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
Well the forarm is almost done have a notchback, bug and fairchild fr… -
Friday Jul 18, 2008
w00t w00t big day finally and i cant sleep just been thinking about i… -
Tuesday Jul 15, 2008
Fuck shit ass piss cock oh and i get tattooed finally on friday time … -
Saturday May 17, 2008
Well did not get to get tattooed today but we have one hell of an ide… -
Saturday May 17, 2008
AWWW SHIT it is almost time to have sleeve's finally starting my righ…