Problems, problems problems.Lately people have been trying to suck me into thier stupid fucking life's drama and it's pissing me off! Where to start... Well, at work this ghetto-ass has been fucking up and pissing a lot of people off, and then says to me"why didn't you tell me about all of this?" I replied with a simple, "This is all none of my business."
which it's merely between her and the people she's pissed off, as for me; I don't give a rat's ass wether or not she's fired. I already know she's not going to have a job after next summer.
I pretty much try to get along without looking or talking to her- only if it's a pleasant 'ello. Let's see how this week goes. maybe if I'm lucky she'll call in sick- her sixth Monday she's called in! hahaha!
Next, my landlords are in another fight which may involve putting Jerme and me without a place to live. That's if they sell it. But we won't actually know untill the place goes into escrow- and we'll have three months after that. The downside is that He calls here for silly stuff- and she's calling me to vent about it. I feel very sorry for the both of them- but this has happened many times before and each time it did it ended them back together again.
I soooo hate drama, Jerme mi novio, hates drama as well. I've taken to a few drinks and the occasion escape. But this Valentines was a bit of a flub. The Quake City Shake wasn't a fun riot but more of a laugh riot- I only got Valentines from the kids I work with; and my romance quota hasn't been very flourishing.
Jerme loves me very much and appreciates everything I do- as I do him- and more often than not we're on the same page with everything- which is actually cool. Lately we've been making a point to have time together because during the week I come home exhausted and he's wiped out from his cross-fit workouts (plus he started working.) I deal really good with the training-work-tired-no-time-w/boyfriend-deal. It acrtually allows me to work on my art and organize things that get chaotic at home (mostly my art crap) So, my romance quota isn't exactly being reached weekly 'cause I'm a busy ass and too worn out during the week to wanna get it on.
things will get better- I've put the stress of a possible move on the back burner-no- back in the freezer, focused on making money to save for a freakin' car, and trying to enjoy any moment I can w/ the man. Not really dramatic to say the least. He took me to the Ruby Room for a martini, then we rented a bad movie Johnny English and I got into my cuddly flannel poodle pj's.
My father is currently visiting because of some asshole convention in SF, so he's gonna be scrounging around my house every so often so I need to hide all my porn, anti-religious paraphinalia, and sex toys.
On a lighter note, I got to visit with my frog the other day. It was sweet- he'd just ate a few crickets and he was all full, fat and squirmy. I noticed his comfort level was kinda low and then noticed why: His tummy on both sides were squirmy because the crikets inside him were trying to still get away! He'd squash his side on a branch and hop around his terrarium and then let out a yawn. Fred, my frog is sooo fat! It was a funny thing. At night he sometimes lets out a riddip!
which it's merely between her and the people she's pissed off, as for me; I don't give a rat's ass wether or not she's fired. I already know she's not going to have a job after next summer.

I pretty much try to get along without looking or talking to her- only if it's a pleasant 'ello. Let's see how this week goes. maybe if I'm lucky she'll call in sick- her sixth Monday she's called in! hahaha!
Next, my landlords are in another fight which may involve putting Jerme and me without a place to live. That's if they sell it. But we won't actually know untill the place goes into escrow- and we'll have three months after that. The downside is that He calls here for silly stuff- and she's calling me to vent about it. I feel very sorry for the both of them- but this has happened many times before and each time it did it ended them back together again.
I soooo hate drama, Jerme mi novio, hates drama as well. I've taken to a few drinks and the occasion escape. But this Valentines was a bit of a flub. The Quake City Shake wasn't a fun riot but more of a laugh riot- I only got Valentines from the kids I work with; and my romance quota hasn't been very flourishing.

My father is currently visiting because of some asshole convention in SF, so he's gonna be scrounging around my house every so often so I need to hide all my porn, anti-religious paraphinalia, and sex toys.
On a lighter note, I got to visit with my frog the other day. It was sweet- he'd just ate a few crickets and he was all full, fat and squirmy. I noticed his comfort level was kinda low and then noticed why: His tummy on both sides were squirmy because the crikets inside him were trying to still get away! He'd squash his side on a branch and hop around his terrarium and then let out a yawn. Fred, my frog is sooo fat! It was a funny thing. At night he sometimes lets out a riddip!

btw my father is the same damn way nosy as shit. Sort of bumbles around the house looking for things drives me insane!
hope the love life kicks back in for you soon we all go through it!
oh, photo set for you to inspect in the boys group. it wont last long, so get your licks -uh, LOOKS in.