Today I was hoping to pull weeds, and do some cleaning in the back yard, but alas, it's fucking raining again! I began another piece of art this morning, took a shower, and cooked a marvelous breakfast for me and Jerme, blueberry waffles, eggs, bacon, and coffee.
I'm now listening to the cds that I picked up yesterday. The Vines, Hot Hot Heat, Smoking Popes, Groovie Ghoulies, The White Stripes (white blood cells), The Stitches (8x12), and a SF Bay Area compilation with a bunch of punk bands on it like the Bobbyteens and Loudmouths.
Jerme did some of the house work I needed done, like hang some stuff in the laundryroom, and hang our magazine rack in the bathroom.
Our new years eve wasn't so good. It started with me having a monster headache, and Jerme was having no luck trying to record the New Years eve Ultimate Fighting Championship. Once the tylenol kicked in we couldn't pin down any of our friends for anything to do anywhere. Finally we found this wherehouse show out in West Oakland, which we were obviously too old for- most of the people there were in their early-late teens and the majority of were "crass" punks (?) Um, okay- I don't get it anymore. I'm thirty, and aren't there new bands you can wear ads for on your hoodie these days? ugh. So, after getting there we both realized that these so called "crass punks" were smoking cigarettes. (stinky and NOT a very politically sound decision) So we left. On our way home we thought, Ruby Room- and we'd call some people. It was 11:30 by the time we got home, and we decided to stay home since Jerme's luck would probably get us in an accident with a drunk driver. We watched UFC, and kissed at Midnight. I went to bed shortly afterward.
Fuck it, have my New Years eves ever really been fun at all? No. I usually spend them alone.
Now I can look foward to possibly buying the car I really want. It might take some serious time to do it- but I can save money and sell my art.

Jerme did some of the house work I needed done, like hang some stuff in the laundryroom, and hang our magazine rack in the bathroom.
Our new years eve wasn't so good. It started with me having a monster headache, and Jerme was having no luck trying to record the New Years eve Ultimate Fighting Championship. Once the tylenol kicked in we couldn't pin down any of our friends for anything to do anywhere. Finally we found this wherehouse show out in West Oakland, which we were obviously too old for- most of the people there were in their early-late teens and the majority of were "crass" punks (?) Um, okay- I don't get it anymore. I'm thirty, and aren't there new bands you can wear ads for on your hoodie these days? ugh. So, after getting there we both realized that these so called "crass punks" were smoking cigarettes. (stinky and NOT a very politically sound decision) So we left. On our way home we thought, Ruby Room- and we'd call some people. It was 11:30 by the time we got home, and we decided to stay home since Jerme's luck would probably get us in an accident with a drunk driver. We watched UFC, and kissed at Midnight. I went to bed shortly afterward.
Fuck it, have my New Years eves ever really been fun at all? No. I usually spend them alone.
Now I can look foward to possibly buying the car I really want. It might take some serious time to do it- but I can save money and sell my art.

hehe anytime 

hehe anytime