Bah. It's pouring outside, I'm babysitting today. Ugh. a long eight hour gig with one kid. I do need to rake in some extra dough though. The time off of work adds up and puts me in the hole sometimes.
It's pouring rain today- so I'm pretty much stuck inside. I'm allowing the kid I'm watching to play for a while on the computer in his room, since we'll be couped up most of the day. I brought some Spongebob videos and a Pirates of the Carribean DVD to watch if all else fails. We just finished a game of Stratego and I kicked his butt at it- and throughout the game I caught him cheating and bending the rules- that's why I didn't let him win. Grrr. Third graders can somtimes be that way.
Yesterday I had a semi-productive day, I finished a painting for a friend named Sola of "Liz Refined" and stared on my new secret weapon in art that will make me cash in. Check my website for updates. Just think of velvet and glitter.
This week I plan on also having a bunch of online auctions- some records, some art, some crap. Nothing too huge- there's this AFI single that I want to put up for a bunch o' cash. (noteworthy)
My mom sewed me this gorgeous lap quilt with many colors of velvet, it's so cozy and pretty. I've been fighting sickness, so when I sit on the couch this gives me the warm fuzzies.
We now have a new neighbor, Rachel- who so far has been so quiet that I can hardly tell that she's even there. But the downside of the two fuckheads moving out is they left behind a ton of garbage and a van in the driveway. The garbage is in the backyard and we just got a notice from the city to remove all of it. I'm pretty sure that a thrift store would take most of it once it's dried out from the rain- but there is a bunch of garbage that won't fit in our bins for pick up. Icky pooh.
I've also got some interesting plans for a Koi pond in the back yard. It will require that I dig up a huge lilac bush and relocate it. But the pond, once it's done will be fabulous. The one thing I'm worried about is the big ass racoon that we've been visited by recently. If I have fish back there, he'll prolly try to eat them. My mom told me to sprinkle cayanne pepper everywhere and the racoon will stay away. I just need to make sure it's done raining first.
My spirits are better today, and I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday. I'm looking forward to shopping on Wednesday- Jerme got me a gift certificate to Amoeba, and I also have one for Peet's, Diesel books, and I may drop in at Zebra.
My credit rating is changing from horrible to better- I just was approved for a credit line of $1500 from a company that I declaired bankrupsy to last year for over $10,000. I think they want to make the money back- meanwhile I'll be able to get good credit and buy a car. I want a mini- but I'll settle for something cheaper if I have to.
It's pouring rain today- so I'm pretty much stuck inside. I'm allowing the kid I'm watching to play for a while on the computer in his room, since we'll be couped up most of the day. I brought some Spongebob videos and a Pirates of the Carribean DVD to watch if all else fails. We just finished a game of Stratego and I kicked his butt at it- and throughout the game I caught him cheating and bending the rules- that's why I didn't let him win. Grrr. Third graders can somtimes be that way.
Yesterday I had a semi-productive day, I finished a painting for a friend named Sola of "Liz Refined" and stared on my new secret weapon in art that will make me cash in. Check my website for updates. Just think of velvet and glitter.
This week I plan on also having a bunch of online auctions- some records, some art, some crap. Nothing too huge- there's this AFI single that I want to put up for a bunch o' cash. (noteworthy)
My mom sewed me this gorgeous lap quilt with many colors of velvet, it's so cozy and pretty. I've been fighting sickness, so when I sit on the couch this gives me the warm fuzzies.
We now have a new neighbor, Rachel- who so far has been so quiet that I can hardly tell that she's even there. But the downside of the two fuckheads moving out is they left behind a ton of garbage and a van in the driveway. The garbage is in the backyard and we just got a notice from the city to remove all of it. I'm pretty sure that a thrift store would take most of it once it's dried out from the rain- but there is a bunch of garbage that won't fit in our bins for pick up. Icky pooh.
I've also got some interesting plans for a Koi pond in the back yard. It will require that I dig up a huge lilac bush and relocate it. But the pond, once it's done will be fabulous. The one thing I'm worried about is the big ass racoon that we've been visited by recently. If I have fish back there, he'll prolly try to eat them. My mom told me to sprinkle cayanne pepper everywhere and the racoon will stay away. I just need to make sure it's done raining first.
My spirits are better today, and I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday. I'm looking forward to shopping on Wednesday- Jerme got me a gift certificate to Amoeba, and I also have one for Peet's, Diesel books, and I may drop in at Zebra.
My credit rating is changing from horrible to better- I just was approved for a credit line of $1500 from a company that I declaired bankrupsy to last year for over $10,000. I think they want to make the money back- meanwhile I'll be able to get good credit and buy a car. I want a mini- but I'll settle for something cheaper if I have to.

hippy ewe near and i love your new profile pic. you look a little...dangerous.