I have actual deadlines this weekend.
mainly monitarily important. I'm working on a painting for my friend Jesse who is buying it for a gift for somebody. Jesse is this cute punky artist who I've known for like nine years. Him and I have remained in the same ebbs and tides of life, so we've really managed to stay in touch and cross paths often enough to stay really great friends. He always ends up with really cute girlfriends, but is single right now- if yer interested look on my friendster list. My email is ghouliegirl13@yahoo.com.
The other is some work for my friend Stephanie. and Lastnight Jerme and I went to Soi4 on College Ave. in oakland for dinner. It was really yuppie, but served really high-end yummy Thai food. They also introduced me to the Mango Martini
. After pissing Jerme off in my stressed after-work confusion things evened out, and we had a pleasant time. Afterwards we went to his friend Adam's house- he was having a party. Adam writes for the The SF Guardian and has an absolutely dizzying book collection. I wasn't feeling very good once we got there, I had a beer and managed to not be very witty or interesting, finding myself alone in Adam's room after everyone congregated into the kitchen I just began writing in my palm pilot out of boredom. I've had a nasty cold sore on my lip for the past week, and honestly have felt like my face looks like that of a leper's.
Jerme was nice enough to leave the party early, and he said farewell to his friends. I left without anyone seeing me in such a fucked-up mood. Besides that the Martinis I had with dinner really had gotten me pretty buzzed. For the rest of the night I was at a complete loss for words and articulation, so I went to bed upon arriving home. Jerme cheered me up by giving me hugs and telling me, "I love you like a baboon loves a coconut."
I'm starting to feel better but now have a cold.

I'm starting to feel better but now have a cold.

Well...if you're 30, I'll say we're 9 years, almost 10 years apart..if he was 19, and you were 27, that's 8 years apart...therefore, I win with a technicallity...
I also saw your set on the PSW board. Good stuff.