You guys, I have been in such a funk, but I've finally come out of it more clear than ever. You ever go through times where you just can't get yourself to do much of anything? Like even taking a shower is a chore? Well that's where I've been. Staying up till 3 am to Try and get revenge for the time lost during the day because I procrastinated on everything I wanted to do. And what good am I at 3 am?? Omg it's been going on for a while and my body is like NO MORE.
I took this picture recently after finding something I thought I'd lost. Turns out we actually don't ever lose what we've learned we just bury it until we are ready to move through the feelings.
I have so many tools that I've learned over the years on how to get re aligned with the truth of who I am. I finally pulled out the tool box. And started meditating and doing manifestation work again. I started creating my art again and I feel ALIVE.
Here's a painting I'm currently working on. It's not done but I LOVE how its coming along
Do you see the spark in her eyes? She is ready. Ready to go after her dreams once more.
A question I've asked myself recently..."what do I want?"
It's a loaded question and a lot of people don't even know how to answer it. We just go through the motions of our everyday without knowing where we are going.
I'm getting clear on the specifics of what I want in my life, and for my business. What kind of person do I want to be? Who am I, truly? Deep down.
what are my goals and aspirations? Who am I choosing to be today? A victim of my circumstances? Or the creator of my life?
You get to choose!
I'm so grateful for every single interaction I've had. Here and elsewhere. We are powerful beings and we need to act like it.
Much love beautiful people. Xo!
@eirenne @missy @penny @lust