So...i've not been on again for a while...sorry about that! I've been kinda busy....
Not a lot has happened though, as per usual. Work is still boring, the finaces are still questionable and the cats are still irritating. But hey ho, such is life. I thought i better just write a short post to let you know i am still here, i'm just finding it hard to spend as much time on here as i'd like.
I hope you are all well
Oh, here is why i have been somewhat more...absent

Not a lot has happened though, as per usual. Work is still boring, the finaces are still questionable and the cats are still irritating. But hey ho, such is life. I thought i better just write a short post to let you know i am still here, i'm just finding it hard to spend as much time on here as i'd like.
I hope you are all well

Oh, here is why i have been somewhat more...absent

im not sure what that ment, but i hope you do.
Also, good for you for finding such a worthy way to be...ahem...busy
PS How could cats possibly be irritating?