Going to be a bit quiet for a while - my head is a shed again.
However, i will be about.
Anyone coming to see me and the girlies on the 26th? Myself, pinklet and killa_ are in London Town on the 26th and 27th of this month - be great to see y'all. PM me your numbers or add me to msn and i'll let you know details.
Loves y'all xxx
However, i will be about.
Anyone coming to see me and the girlies on the 26th? Myself, pinklet and killa_ are in London Town on the 26th and 27th of this month - be great to see y'all. PM me your numbers or add me to msn and i'll let you know details.
Loves y'all xxx
well at least you have the weekend in london to look forward to!my dads getting operated on soon

Hey just looked at the album you put up for the bristol meet, you guys must have had soo much fun, im sad i missed another one now.