Another great meet. Bristol was almost as fun as Manchester
I ruined it a little for myself though by getting upset with something someone said. Doh! However, that was the only glitch, and that was at the end of saturday night, so all was pretty much 100% awesome. Great to meet you all - fab to see some good friends and great to make new ones. You all rule!!
Can't be arsed to go into any more detail - here are a few pix. The others can be found....somewhere. SGUK and on my pix page i think...loves ya xxx

Can't be arsed to go into any more detail - here are a few pix. The others can be found....somewhere. SGUK and on my pix page i think...loves ya xxx

But the public meet in March is a definite whatever. It is my 22nd birthday though so I will be partying hard. Who better to spend it with than the cool folks of SG.