Hello all
Firstly - To my secret santa - if i ever find out who you are, i will hug you. You got me the prefect present - i love books, so you can never go worng buying me some...and the two you chose for me are perfect. I can't wait to read them
Many thanks for the lovely comments you left me, with the exception of Narshada, who called me a doofus
Last week was rather like a rollercoaster ride - full of ups and downs, but sadly with less fun. After the amazing time i had at Manchester, i was feeling pretty chipper Sunday night and most of Monday...it just seemed to get worse after that!
Found myself a little depressed on Thursday. Ian came over to 'cheer me up' - i ended up really angry with him and yelling. Nice. Saying that - what did he expect? I explained why i was upset, he then proceeded to fire 20 questions at me about it, all of which i have answered before. I resented him intruding when i needed time for myself, but i didn't want to ask him not to come over because then he would have got mad with me....in hindsight i wish i had!
Friday was fun though - my friend Nick rang me at work to ask me something, and we arranged to go for a 'quick' pint after work. I should know then when Nick and I go out, its never quick! I also never have to pay for a drink
So we met for a pint....6 shots, 5 pints, several bottles and a cherry brandy later i was trollied...i ended up at home and ill for about 11. Still, i had a blast - its so refreshing to go out with Nick, hes blunt and to the point, makes me laugh and we have known each other for long enough not to really piss each other off anymore
Last night was a disaster. I don't think i need to say more, except that i had a bad head this morning, i am minus a few friends (i still don't know why - something about me not careing...
) and i managed to smash my bathroom up very badly. This is not like me at all - if i am upset i usually take it out on myself with a razor. Therefore the destruction of the bathroom is good in the sense that i am unharmed...however, its been a while since i have been that angry/stressed/depressed, and i am upset that when i was starting to feel positive again, i'm back to square one. Sigh.
Still, its nearly christmas, i have a new crush
i'm in Nottingham for New Year and then the Bristol meet....i'm more excited about that than xmas
(I know thats my new profile pic, but i can honestly say its the best pic of myself i've taken for ages, so i'm posting it again

Firstly - To my secret santa - if i ever find out who you are, i will hug you. You got me the prefect present - i love books, so you can never go worng buying me some...and the two you chose for me are perfect. I can't wait to read them

Many thanks for the lovely comments you left me, with the exception of Narshada, who called me a doofus

Last week was rather like a rollercoaster ride - full of ups and downs, but sadly with less fun. After the amazing time i had at Manchester, i was feeling pretty chipper Sunday night and most of Monday...it just seemed to get worse after that!
Found myself a little depressed on Thursday. Ian came over to 'cheer me up' - i ended up really angry with him and yelling. Nice. Saying that - what did he expect? I explained why i was upset, he then proceeded to fire 20 questions at me about it, all of which i have answered before. I resented him intruding when i needed time for myself, but i didn't want to ask him not to come over because then he would have got mad with me....in hindsight i wish i had!
Friday was fun though - my friend Nick rang me at work to ask me something, and we arranged to go for a 'quick' pint after work. I should know then when Nick and I go out, its never quick! I also never have to pay for a drink

Last night was a disaster. I don't think i need to say more, except that i had a bad head this morning, i am minus a few friends (i still don't know why - something about me not careing...

Still, its nearly christmas, i have a new crush

(I know thats my new profile pic, but i can honestly say its the best pic of myself i've taken for ages, so i'm posting it again

i do like the new profile picture though
i always look forward to newyears more than xmas