Let me know how hot is this girl

I'm glad to have the opportunity to shoot Merlina during my tour shoot, this girl is fucking gorgeous!
she needs a new set in front page <3

we have a lot of fun!!! ahahah
If you don't check the set yet...

Merlina - Day's in Montevideo
Also I have more beautiful girls in MR:

Priscila - Dama Blanca

Nahp - Radiant Morning
and I'm still to see this gorgeous girl pink:

Daff - Sweet Like Sugar
I want to share some previews of my upcoming sets, so I have a lot of sets queued!

Discoquette - Transparent Queued for: Apr 27 @ 12am

Kornalina - Hotel Orleans Queued for: May 2 @ 12am

Krito - Meow Queued for: May 2 @ 12pm

Ellys - Vintege Keys Queued for: May 7 @ 12pm

NitaLove - Black Kittie Queued for: May 8 @ 6am

Smash - Into the Light Queued for: May 10 @ 12am

Uva - Magic Board Queued for: May 14 @ 12am

Jaune - Olive Green Queued for: May 31 @ 6am
Stay tune because I have to submit more set soon <3
have a nice weekend!!
Love Anemona

Muchas gracias
Ests haciendo un increble trabajo con las chicas! Congrats!
Voy a volver en septiembre, llego da 16 por la noche e me quedar hasta da 22!
Quiero hacer otro set contigo!
besos <3