Hello my friends!
I been so busy lately shoting new sets and preparing the last details of my south america shot trip <3
I feel so happy and nervous at the same time
can't wait to meet to the girls!!!!!!! so I want to say thank you to the SG staff for trust in me and support my travel love ya guys! be sure I'II not disappoint you
About my lately set the other day me and Starfuck shot a have a fun time with Ivonne ahaha here some pics!
Starfuck is an awesome assistant <3
Today Gabi_'s set is up in front page! this is a special set to me because her travel from Brazil to shoot with me
She's sooooo adorable girl and gorgeous
I hope you like the set!
Gabi - Fortune Cookie I hope you like guys!
So don't forget my current Member Review Sets <3
I have some sets queued!
Cata - God is in the radio Queued for: Jan 22 @ 1am
Starfuck - Black Denim Queued for: Feb 20 @ 5pm
Zorah - Here Comes the Sun Queued for: Feb 17 @ 1am
Itho - Hottie Geek Queued for: Feb 19 @ 9am OMG! she's soooo hot new girl

Ivonne - Jelly Orange Queued for: Mar 9 @ 5pm
Chicas si estn en algunas de las ciudades que visito y aun no me han confirmado set aun estn a tiempo, les dejo las fechas! me pueden mandar un mensaje privado
Buenos Aires: 31 de Enero al 7 de Febrero
Montevideo: 8 de Febrero al 14 de Febrero
Bogot: 14 de Febrero al 20 de Febrero
Medellin: 21 de Febrero al 27 de Febrero.
<3 Anemona
I been so busy lately shoting new sets and preparing the last details of my south america shot trip <3
I feel so happy and nervous at the same time

About my lately set the other day me and Starfuck shot a have a fun time with Ivonne ahaha here some pics!

Starfuck is an awesome assistant <3

Today Gabi_'s set is up in front page! this is a special set to me because her travel from Brazil to shoot with me

She's sooooo adorable girl and gorgeous

Gabi - Fortune Cookie I hope you like guys!
So don't forget my current Member Review Sets <3
I have some sets queued!

Cata - God is in the radio Queued for: Jan 22 @ 1am

Starfuck - Black Denim Queued for: Feb 20 @ 5pm

Zorah - Here Comes the Sun Queued for: Feb 17 @ 1am

Itho - Hottie Geek Queued for: Feb 19 @ 9am OMG! she's soooo hot new girl

Ivonne - Jelly Orange Queued for: Mar 9 @ 5pm
Chicas si estn en algunas de las ciudades que visito y aun no me han confirmado set aun estn a tiempo, les dejo las fechas! me pueden mandar un mensaje privado
Buenos Aires: 31 de Enero al 7 de Febrero
Montevideo: 8 de Febrero al 14 de Febrero
Bogot: 14 de Febrero al 20 de Febrero
Medellin: 21 de Febrero al 27 de Febrero.
<3 Anemona
jojaoaja!! verdad!!!!!!!! la volaitaaaaaa, nos tiene q ir bieeeeen!!!, nos cambiaron las fotos de profile hahaha 

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e!!!