Massive Update, Epistolary Interruption
Dear rather startled BART station residents and pedestrians,
If you were wondering why the crazy lady with the celery stalk strapped to her back like a samurai sword, forty pounds of groceries teetering on the back of her bike, and a baguette getting VERY fresh with her bum made an abrupt u-turn at the intersection, left the bike path, and zoomed through the sprinklers yelling I REALLY NEED YOU TONIGHT, well, dont worry. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation.
You see, I was coming back from Berkeley Bowl, which only sells extra-long celery; I had rather overestimated how much grocery I could fit on my bike; and I realized that if I turned around I would hit the sprinklers just as Total Eclipse of the Heart peaked on my ipod.
Perfectly reasonable.
Dear rather startled BART station residents and pedestrians,
If you were wondering why the crazy lady with the celery stalk strapped to her back like a samurai sword, forty pounds of groceries teetering on the back of her bike, and a baguette getting VERY fresh with her bum made an abrupt u-turn at the intersection, left the bike path, and zoomed through the sprinklers yelling I REALLY NEED YOU TONIGHT, well, dont worry. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation.
You see, I was coming back from Berkeley Bowl, which only sells extra-long celery; I had rather overestimated how much grocery I could fit on my bike; and I realized that if I turned around I would hit the sprinklers just as Total Eclipse of the Heart peaked on my ipod.
Perfectly reasonable.