(Takes a deep breath...desperately tries to keep a straight face....hold it....hold it.....................)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (Yes, this is accompanied by the usual Happy Seal Clap-and-Dive.)
53 minutes. 53 minutes and counting!
Once, just once a year, I actually get excited about dropping 200 bucks on something. Also, my best friend Timba said she might be buying tickets, so suddenly my BM plans have gone from "I want... Read More
All right, let's just get this out of the way: Avatar is NOT a good movie. It's a neat movie. It's a spiffy movie. It is, occasionally, a pretty movie, and twice a beautiful one. But it isn't GOOD.
I got all my ranting out there, thanks. Now I've caught up on sleep and food and all is good in the world again.
What's more, in a week, I'll be on a ferry between Tarifa and Tangiers! w00t! One more dream, about to be fulfilled. I've been fascinated with Interzone, pardon, Morocco, ever since I became aware of William Burroughs and the RPG "On the Edge".
On the plus side, my aunties continue to be completely awesome. Richmond aunt has been bringing me organic veggie broth, bananas, basmati rice, and vitamin c. Tossing your cookies is really a lot better when you're tossing something nice.
I heart my friends and the weirdness of my life. Sunday was the best mix of BLAH and AWESOMENESS possible.
Bad: So I woke up on Sunday basically feeling like I had a hangover DESPITE the fact that I hadn't been drinking. Way to go, body. (Okay, in defense of my body, I had hella worked out the day before and taken a really hot... Read More
In the interest of saving on PGandE, I am about to take a completely unnecessary shower simply for the sake of getting a little warmer. Because water is included in rent...GandE aren't.
...my Penguin is in the hospital. Penguins do NOT belong in hospitals! Colorado broke my Penguin. Damn you, Colorado!
And I don't care whether or not that made sense to the thousands of imaginary lurkers I conjure up to make myself feel better...just think nice thoughts about Penguins, 'kay? Also, you can tell I'm worried when I rely on irrational capitalization and a crude system... Read More
You know that when talking to me, that's not even a confession! That's one of my favorite books. I remember reading it when I was something like 8, and thinking, "That's it? The Mirror is a puddle, and he gets nothing for all that?" Years later, it sunk in.
Actually, I'm reading the Mabinogion (that the Prydain Chronicles draw from) right now. Maybe it's the translation, but it's TERRIBLE. It's actually into Plan 9 From Outer Space realms of bad. It's so bad, that's what's keeping me going.
Like there's this one knight Kai in King Arthur's court, and he's such a flat character that every time he shows up, every single time, it's to be a tool. He exists to get beaten so that other knights can look cool beating the thing he lost to, or to stick his foot down his throat, or to cause other knights to go on quests by saying stupid things. Don't even get me started on the other knights.
So my first experience with quiche was pretty amazing. I'm eager to give it another go (no correct dish in this apartment) and am wondering how well egg-white quiches work. And how daikon goes in quiche. And if I can make quiche in something other than a pie crust - maybe a mashed potato shell or a basket of noodles that were undercooked prior to pouring the quiche in. The quiche, it bids me to experiment on it.
1. I left bread and milk out for the spirits. No, I'm not pagan, wiccan, or even Celtic...like the ba-gua over my door, I just like the idea of it. Apparently, though, the spirits are more of the essence-taking rather than the actual eating type...so I used the bread for croutons. I hope that doesn't get... Read More
"Hey, I'm almost out of food and kinda broke. Let's see, what do I have...oatmeal, goldfish, croutons, condiments, marshmallows, flour, milk, baking soda... I know, I'll make soda bread! Michael Pollan, you can suck it; my bread will only have THREE ingredients and none of them yeast!
Okay, now I'll get the flour down aaaaaaaand...................NYAH! BLAH! WEEVILS! ...........Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiilllllls."
My cheapass cooking for yesterday - because I'm apparently scheduled for my Winter Head Cold of the Year this week - was egg drop soup. The recipe looked like this:
In a first pot, boil whatever veggies you have on hand, chopped up, in enough water to cover them or a bit more. For me, this was two carrots, a leek, and a bit of garlic.
Bring a second pot of water to a rapid boil. While stirring the water, slowly pour in some whipped eggs. (Because I want mostly protein, I use just the egg whites, leaving only one yolk.)
Pour the second pot into the first. Add salt, pepper, a drop of sesame oil, and a couple bundles of those noodles that were on sale at the store. Because noodles aren't cheap enough as is, y'know?
The traditional recipe is done in a single pot, just starting with a soup stock. But I don't want to give up the chunky veggies. I just needed to get them out of the way long enough to stir in the eggs to their proper whispy consistency.
So I've always wanted to do a couples costume, and I'm kinda tired of being a fairy. I've been a fairy something for the last three years because it allows me to do ridiculous face painting and makeup. Last night I told Boyfriend that I was considering being a candy raver (i.e. lazy, because that's just my BM clothes with... Read More