Sooooooooo my first set goes up for member review tomorrow afternoon! Yay! I'm excited and a little nervous, I really hope it does well. It's been a while. I'm still working at the butcher shop. I have recently been offered some jobs doing print for some adult magazines (no shots with other people just solo work) and I am thinking about doing that. I also got offered to do a pretty sweet webcam business that i'm looking into. I love the adult industry, however i will never end up in more hardcore forms of porn, just not my style. Anyhow it would be awesome if anyone wants to check out my set tomorrow that would be awesome. Hope you are all doing well. I have taken the whole month of November off to help out with a friends kids. I thought I would have a lot more time on the net, but that has proven to be very untrue. Holy cow watching three kids a day is tiring!

I will check it out I have missed ya
yay for porn!