Can't believe it's March already!, For those of you who may have been travelling in my fair country, let's hope we get no more snow and freezing cold weather, and more heat and sun!
University is going well, I will have 3 weeks off at Easter, and a possibility of getting a job too, so all is going well, and with localbilling all sorted, I am pleased to be back to chatting with my cute and crazy friends
The usual big shouts to my fave peeps, this time it's BEARNKED

Please keep in touch with me, it's nice to get home of an evening and read your e-mails and comments, no matter how saucy, sexy or nice they are, I read them and keep em in my heart x
Anyways I love you (Respect you to the guys!!) all
Ta ta for now
Andy x
I'm doing Human Nutrition
That's a lot of B's there!