I want to leave.
I want to believe in my dreams as much as I believe in other people's dreams.
I want to sit down and figure everything out.
I want there to be surprises. Lately I've seen everything coming a mile away.
I HATE Utah. With a passion. IT's a nice place, but too discriminating. I want to leave so I will feel better about this place.
I want someone to write music with, and someone to write stories and screenplays with.
I want to not be here writing all of thi
I want to believe in my dreams as much as I believe in other people's dreams.
I want to sit down and figure everything out.
I want there to be surprises. Lately I've seen everything coming a mile away.
I HATE Utah. With a passion. IT's a nice place, but too discriminating. I want to leave so I will feel better about this place.
I want someone to write music with, and someone to write stories and screenplays with.
I want to not be here writing all of thi

you can't sit there and preach to me about my dreams and then not live your own out. just do it. for real. do it. no joke guy,
you should draw pictures of your favorite things and then throw yourself into them.
[Edited on Nov 04, 2004 2:43PM]