I hate utah! Anyone who dreams, and I say dream because dreaming is the only thing you can do in this place to keep yourself well, yourself. I kind of screwed that up. Anyone who dreams of something bigger and better for themselves will not survive here. It is a nice place in the fall, and for us devoted snowboarders it is the best place in the country. BUt it is not for the rest of our lives. The rest of my life.
I will be getting out soon, san francisco. I'll make my escape at the end of may, maybe a little bit sooner. I can't wait. Finally I will be able to live a little. Well, I can live here. I do most of which in the fall and winter months, but I need more. This town can't hold me
I want to live in a place where I can wear a jacket all the time. I want to live near a beach. I want to live in a city and eat at little thai places. I do not want the extent of my exotic foodtasting to be, Panda Express.
Anyway that is all.
well, okay...it's not so great either.
but, you have plenty of time ahead of you, and plenty more places to explore. have fun with it, and good luck