So Im learning japanese. IT's so fucking cool.
After only half an hour working in my workbook Im able to say quite a few things.
How much is it? takura desu ka?
where is the bus? basu wa doko desu ka?
how is the salad? sarada wo do desu ka?
please give me 3 glasses of beer.
biru o san bai kudasai.
I know some other sayings and questions. If anyone wants to go to japan with me now Im so ready.
We could make a weekend of it.
Seriously. I want to go so bad.
So Im learning japanese. IT's so fucking cool.
After only half an hour working in my workbook Im able to say quite a few things.
How much is it? takura desu ka?
where is the bus? basu wa doko desu ka?
how is the salad? sarada wo do desu ka?
please give me 3 glasses of beer.
biru o san bai kudasai.
I know some other sayings and questions. If anyone wants to go to japan with me now Im so ready.
We could make a weekend of it.
Seriously. I want to go so bad.