it's snowing
my latte is getting cold
the coffee shop i am in is playing ridiculous 70's rock
my faulkner book is barely dog-eared
some customer called my work and said that i made him the best sandwich he had ever had. it's good to know that i'm still the customer favorite no matter how mean i am to them. have you seen the soup nazi episode of seinfeld? it's kind of like that.
i like the way neon glows against the snow. it reminds me of it's a wonderful life, at the end when george takes clarence to martini's bar, but because george was never born and couldn't give martini the loan to open the bar it's nick's bar. i don't know why i thought about that.
i was walking down the sidewalk the other day and i saw a few latent footprints in the concrete. they looked like the foot prints of some small child. it was almost disturbing like this child was walking and then disappeared. it was as if i wasn't meant to see these footprints, a glimpse into some horrific moment. it reminded me of this time i was little and my mom and i were driving on the freeway and we saw a big scatter of blood across the road and my mom said " that's awful. some one lost their life there."
i'm thinking of becoming vegan - i said i was thinking about it.
i fell asleep in my clothes last night. i love those nights when you're so exhausted that you just drop away before you can get undressed.
90% of goods manufactured in china are sold in walmart, a sort of anathema to fair trade.
i'm spent.
my latte is getting cold
the coffee shop i am in is playing ridiculous 70's rock
my faulkner book is barely dog-eared
some customer called my work and said that i made him the best sandwich he had ever had. it's good to know that i'm still the customer favorite no matter how mean i am to them. have you seen the soup nazi episode of seinfeld? it's kind of like that.
i like the way neon glows against the snow. it reminds me of it's a wonderful life, at the end when george takes clarence to martini's bar, but because george was never born and couldn't give martini the loan to open the bar it's nick's bar. i don't know why i thought about that.
i was walking down the sidewalk the other day and i saw a few latent footprints in the concrete. they looked like the foot prints of some small child. it was almost disturbing like this child was walking and then disappeared. it was as if i wasn't meant to see these footprints, a glimpse into some horrific moment. it reminded me of this time i was little and my mom and i were driving on the freeway and we saw a big scatter of blood across the road and my mom said " that's awful. some one lost their life there."
i'm thinking of becoming vegan - i said i was thinking about it.
i fell asleep in my clothes last night. i love those nights when you're so exhausted that you just drop away before you can get undressed.
90% of goods manufactured in china are sold in walmart, a sort of anathema to fair trade.
i'm spent.
i hate valentines day.
i wish it was snowing here.
i was starting to think i had illegible writing.
well actually maybe i do.