I just remembered something because the book im reading for school reminded me.
I was in cross country from middle school till my sophmore year in high school. I was never very good, i always gave up because it hurt to run 3 miles and stuff up hills etc etc. Basically i was 2nd worst if not the worst male runner on our team, but...
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I was in cross country from middle school till my sophmore year in high school. I was never very good, i always gave up because it hurt to run 3 miles and stuff up hills etc etc. Basically i was 2nd worst if not the worst male runner on our team, but...
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Running is unnatural unless you are being chased by a bear and jocks suck ass anyway. The cross country assholes were the worst cuz they all thought themselves superior... they're probably all fat bastards now anyway. LOL
im bored, life is dull
im gonna kick it up a notch
p.s. this is hilarious
if you know anyone addicted to computer games then this ones for you!
im gonna kick it up a notch
p.s. this is hilarious
if you know anyone addicted to computer games then this ones for you!
oh yeah...it was super fun.
cleaning is great.
how are you feeling? better i hope.

how are you feeling? better i hope.
So theres a band named Daft Punk (whether or not you know them you without a doubt know one or two of their songs)
And theres this famous animator who i believe made Galaxy Express 999 (a famous anime movie)
Daft Punk goes to the animator "we love japan and we love anime.... we just made this CD.... can you make a movie that tells...
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And theres this famous animator who i believe made Galaxy Express 999 (a famous anime movie)
Daft Punk goes to the animator "we love japan and we love anime.... we just made this CD.... can you make a movie that tells...
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BUT will you have time to play Guild Wars!? 

They destroyed the chicken fries commercial and changed it from CoqRoq to the BK chicken fries rebel unit.
Damn that cross the road song was addictive too.... i better download it before its too late.
And i dont think anyone should be teaching the world to chill while having the desire to buy the world a coke... so that weirdo freak guitar player and all...
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Damn that cross the road song was addictive too.... i better download it before its too late.
And i dont think anyone should be teaching the world to chill while having the desire to buy the world a coke... so that weirdo freak guitar player and all...
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im reading it!!!!!!! cuz i ♥ you.

Well i got the job at bankers life, it looks like its 50% commision, quarterly bonus's depending on how much i make, plus if you are working hard they have employee recognition programs where they just fuckin give you prizes like a laptop and shit if your working hard and doing a good job.
It sounds like a place with alot of opportunities, unfortunatly i...
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It sounds like a place with alot of opportunities, unfortunatly i...
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rawr, when you start making money.. drinks are on you.
how else would you wana spend your vacation in florida other than having a fever the whole time?
bathing in your sweat at night is just as wet as the pool
and your body heat is just as hot as the sun would be.
but other than that i got the job i was trying to get, just going to get my liscence aug 10th...
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bathing in your sweat at night is just as wet as the pool

but other than that i got the job i was trying to get, just going to get my liscence aug 10th...
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poor baby. i hope you are feeling better. congats on the job again. i wish i could find one.
ooh damn! mono is a bitch. dont expect to be doing much of anything but sleeping and being miserable for the next month or so. get some rest. drink lots of fluids. kisses.

Today everything happened for a reason, i had a previous entry but its just nothing compared to the decision to focus on my thoughts and occurances.
I felt so empty today, as i have the last few days. Easily irritated, hard to get out of the chair, realizing i had lost most of the motivation i had upon completing training.
Mostly because training motivated you...
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I felt so empty today, as i have the last few days. Easily irritated, hard to get out of the chair, realizing i had lost most of the motivation i had upon completing training.
Mostly because training motivated you...
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crazy sickness you say.......are you pregnant? if you are, its not mine.

YAY!!! congrats on the job. now you can save up money to come visit.

just like the types everyone else takes
Alright kiddos! i got a freakin 2nd fucking interveiw!
i know its not much money but from what i heard at the first interveiw its like a 45K a year job. to ME thats freakin awesome haha.
I better get it so life will kick more ass, i would love to help the elderly save some money since people are always stealing it from them......
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i know its not much money but from what i heard at the first interveiw its like a 45K a year job. to ME thats freakin awesome haha.
I better get it so life will kick more ass, i would love to help the elderly save some money since people are always stealing it from them......
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teenage girls tend to act like that

OK damnit i cut through all the hesitation
1. goin for a job interveiw tomorrow at 10 am as a.... something executive at banker life....a... argh what was the name of it?! but they want me to be a manager in 6-12 months
2. signed up for and got all my grants taken care of for a game art and design class.
3. other things...
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1. goin for a job interveiw tomorrow at 10 am as a.... something executive at banker life....a... argh what was the name of it?! but they want me to be a manager in 6-12 months
2. signed up for and got all my grants taken care of for a game art and design class.
3. other things...
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Hey there....came to chat with ya, as requested...
Not much of a great conversationalist right now cuz I'm super duper crazy busy moving this weekend and all.....you should come to my yard sale...it's tomorrow and SUnday 10-3!!WOOHOO!!!

It's about time you got off your ass

wow i need a job pretty bad.... hey joe do you have any ideas? i mean you should be able to get me a job pretty easy that pays well eh eh?
you know you want to....
best buy rejected me cause i failed their personality test 3 times in a row haha.... either i cant lie well or i just dont know what the...
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you know you want to....
best buy rejected me cause i failed their personality test 3 times in a row haha.... either i cant lie well or i just dont know what the...
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my brain just got fried from a nightmare, its been forever since ive had a nightmare.
it freaked me out to the point where i turned the lights and tv on... cause it didnt feel safe when i woke up, i kept seeing the channel changer on the hamper but when i reached for it itd dissapear.... that really made me wana turn the light...
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it freaked me out to the point where i turned the lights and tv on... cause it didnt feel safe when i woke up, i kept seeing the channel changer on the hamper but when i reached for it itd dissapear.... that really made me wana turn the light...
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You had a nightmare about losing the remote control , was the tv stuck on opra

oh if only. but actually i was awake when the controller kept dissapearing... er... waking up, thats when i turned on the light cause it was blowing my mind haha