My kids have lice.

I want to flush the world down the toilet, kick a kitten, tazer a panda bear and cry like a little baby.
I know a lot of people on here don't have kids, and those that do probably haven't had to deal with this - and for that, you are lucky.
The thing that brought this on was their damn cousin. Apparently, WE FIND OUT AFTER THE FACT, she likes to play at a friend's house who constantly has lice. They get lice, their mom treats it, they go back, they get it again.
Can you imagine what we would have said about a sleepover if we'd known that information?
So anyway. We treated the lice. All the live ones are dead, but there are all these nasty ass nits in their hair.
And because they have my stupidly thick wavy hair, it's a terrible chore to get them out. And because the hair is short, it's impossible to seciton it off. And I'm not good at that anyway..
asdflkjasdf;lkjasglkjaweroihag;lkhjasdrf again.
Again, the live ones are dead, there are just eggs, we're combing them out daily and are just praying that they don't hatch and turn into anything.
I'm having to dry the pillowcases daily, same with their sheets and pillows...
This is a fucking ordeal. one that my hip can't fucking take. Having to sit for an hour today trying to comb their hair made me want to cry. I loaded up the oxy after that, but am stupid enough to sit at the computer after.
rant done.
Happy effing thanksgiving.

I want to flush the world down the toilet, kick a kitten, tazer a panda bear and cry like a little baby.
I know a lot of people on here don't have kids, and those that do probably haven't had to deal with this - and for that, you are lucky.
The thing that brought this on was their damn cousin. Apparently, WE FIND OUT AFTER THE FACT, she likes to play at a friend's house who constantly has lice. They get lice, their mom treats it, they go back, they get it again.
Can you imagine what we would have said about a sleepover if we'd known that information?
So anyway. We treated the lice. All the live ones are dead, but there are all these nasty ass nits in their hair.
And because they have my stupidly thick wavy hair, it's a terrible chore to get them out. And because the hair is short, it's impossible to seciton it off. And I'm not good at that anyway..
asdflkjasdf;lkjasglkjaweroihag;lkhjasdrf again.
Again, the live ones are dead, there are just eggs, we're combing them out daily and are just praying that they don't hatch and turn into anything.
I'm having to dry the pillowcases daily, same with their sheets and pillows...
This is a fucking ordeal. one that my hip can't fucking take. Having to sit for an hour today trying to comb their hair made me want to cry. I loaded up the oxy after that, but am stupid enough to sit at the computer after.
rant done.
Happy effing thanksgiving.

I remember getting lice as a kid... not fun!
Your a good dad though! It'll suck but it'll be over soon.

Ugggh not good at all!! I hope you get that all sorted! Seriously good dad!